jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2005


Ya saben, el afamado creador de cosillas como Duke Nukem y ROTT

Acerca de la industria del videojuego en los USA

The big japanese dev teams are way ahead of most us teams in terms of talent, skill and artistry. True. Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Ico/Colossus, Final Fnatasy and countless others just crush most american games. It's astounding what they can get from a PS2 or similar hardware.

...Of course a lot of this has to do with us publishers not having a clue, and only wanting 2 year or less games, done with big licenses. But still...those big japanese teams have been making games longer than most US teams have. They are a good 10 years ahead of most US teams in terms of experience. Very few US devs even have 10 years of game development experience.

Only time will. And even then, US publishers don't have NEARLY the vision of Japanese publishers, so we will rarely reach as far as they do. When games like Halo 2 ship with the last couple levels chopped off, because Microsoft had to make Christmas with the game....that says it all.

Y acerca de DNF

What version of the Unreal Engine is DNF going to be using? Unreal Engine 2.5 or 3.0?

Neither. We broke off many moons ago. About all we use from Unreal now is the editor, networking and Unreal Script.

Vaya, vaya...

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

El bueno de George, ¿cuando se pondrá a currar en vez de estar todo el día rajando?

Respecto a lo que dice, agrí 1000%, los juegos japoneses tienen un nivel de acabado y profesionalidad que hoy en día no tiene parangón. Que luego a uno le gusten o no ya es otro tema.

Últimamente estoy en el terreno jueguijueguil de lo más japonófilo. Espero sabrán ustedes disculparme.