sábado, 7 de enero de 2006


La banda sonora de Duke Nukem Forever está lista si hacemos caso a lo que ha comentado SLASH en la última entrevista que ha dado:

Host: I was in Las Vegas 4 years ago. My buddy Tommy Stinson plays bass for GNR.

Slash: I know Tommy! [...]

Host: I thought it was really good. I mean it wasn’t Guns, but getting Robin Finck, Buckethead, Tommy and Brain on drums, I mean, he went out and got like the All-Star lineup.

Slash: It was a good lineup, I was familiar everytime in the band. The only guy I didn’t really know is Buckethead [...] Axl has a record coming out, I think in March, which is cool, because it will be interesting to hear, after all this time.

Host: So wait, Chinese Democracy is coming out?

Slash: Yeah, it’s coming out in March!

En mi opinión, ni de coña. Pero bueno, nunca se sabe.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

astrako diji:

2006 sin duda un va a ser un gran año :3
