martes, 8 de febrero de 2005


"A merry surge of electricity piped by automated alarm from the mood organ beside his bed awakened Rick Deckard. Surprised--it always surprised him to find himself awake without prior notice--he rose from the bed, stood up in his multicolored pajamas, and stretched. Now, in her bed, his wife Iran opened her gray, unmerry eyes, blinked, then groaned and shut her eyes again."

Ésta es fácil de narices :)

3 comentarios:

Crimsom Shadow dijo...

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick

Es más dificl con las obras maestras "gráficas". O no...

Un saludo

Crimsom Shadow dijo...

Eh, que pasa!? A mi no me das premio jabonoso? ;-)

Ya la que has puesto ahora no tengo ni idea... A ver si sacas alguna noticia del GAME,o que?

Venga, un saludo

Man U Fear dijo...

¡¡¡Clink Clink Clin Clink Clink!!!!!

¡We have a winna here!