miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2005


Interview - Peter Jackson for "King Kong"

Question: You're still producing Halo?

Jackson: Yeah.

Question: What attracted you to Halo?

Jackson: I'm a fan of the game.

Question: But video game movies suck.

Jackson: They do.

Question: So what will be different?

Jackson: Hopefully it won't suck.

Question: But why not direct?

Jackson: I want a break. I want to have the fun but not the hard work. I just want to be part of the creative team but not actually have the pain.

Question: Is there a director?

Jackson: Not yet, no. We're talking to some people but we're going to be shooting that next year.

Question: Should we plan an Oscar party?

Jackson: I don't think so. I don't think these are the types of films that get Oscar attention. That was never the intention with Kong. I don't necessarily think that will be the case.

Question: Are you doing Lovely Bones?

Jackson: Yeah, that's the plan.

Question: Have you started thinking cast?

Jackson: No, no. I'm just going to have a break first and then we'll do the script to that.

Question: Any special features on the DVD?

Jackson: Well, I think there's a two disc one coming out for sure and then if there's an extended one, it'll probably be three or four discs if they do that.

Question: Are you surprised with the positive reaction to the Halo script?

Jackson: Well, I'm pleased, yeah. You never know what to expect.

Question: How did you lose the weight, special diet?

Jackson: No, it was just cutting out junk food

Hombre, la verdat es que el guión de Halo, si dejan de fumar Marihuana y de enchufarse peyote, hasta puede estar bien y todo.


Algo de unos anillos que son unas armas para destruir la galaxia y liberarla del yugo de una raza peligrosísima que resultan ser unos señores muy feos, de otra raza que es la humana que "pasaba por allí" y recibe hasta en el carné de identidá y de una tercera raza que está como una puta regadera y que se creen que el Halo es algo mísitico-religioso pero que cuentan con unos traidores en sus filas que prentenden hacer nose qué cojones con los Halos. Amenícese todo ello con una planta que habla (como la de la "Tienda de los horrores") una especie de bibliotecario repelente y flotante que nunca se entiende lo que dice y que es más misterioso que los guiones de Lynch, explosiones, batallas peleas ¿y qué tenemos? Pues no lo sé porque sigo sin entender muy bien de qué va todo el rollo que acabo de escribir.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Existen 3 libros sobre Halo que disiparían bastantes dudas.