martes, 1 de noviembre de 2005



Call of Chtulu

You don't need to be familiar with Lovecraft's stories or the Cthulhu mythos in order to enjoy this game; in fact, the experience will be all the better if you go into it without any real sense of what you're in store for. H.P. Lovecraft is best known for horror stories that attempt to describe the indescribable--horrifying things that can make a man go mad just from looking at them. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth captures the essence of his work by presenting the entire game through Jack's own eyes, and by incorporating various elements that simulate how fleeting Jack's sanity can be when faced with terrible sights and realizations.

Others have tried, but Call of Cthulhu is probably the first game to date to succeed at presenting a completely clutter-free first-person viewpoint. There are no health bars or ammo counts or anything to get in the way of your suspension of disbelief, yet the game still provides sufficient visual and audio feedback to keep you informed while playing. While there will probably be times when you'll wish the game were a bit more transparent about telling you when your health is low or when you're in danger of being detected by enemies, Call of Cthulhu's invisible interface definitely is to the game's credit. There isn't even an aiming reticle for any of the guns--you just aim down the sights to line up your targets. And you know you've taken damage when you see spurts of blood along the edges of the screen, and subsequently start to hear Jack gasping in pain and losing color vision. You can even have your limbs broken--you'll cringe listening to Jack trying to walk with a busted leg.

Las palabras "Realms of the Haunting" han venido a mi cabeza. No dejen que el mediocre FEAR y el entretenidísimo Quake IV les impidan ver la profundidad de éste título. Fofavó.

5 comentarios:

Crimsom Shadow dijo...

Menos copy-pasteo de reviews y más probarlo, Man.

Yo me acabo de terminar el FEAR (lo de mediocre va a ser que no, bueno, en la historia si, pero en la acción y en la tensión no) y voy ahora a por éste, que lo empecé y me molo mucho.

Un saludo

Man U Fear dijo...

Ya me gustaría probarlo... ¡¡PERO AUN NO HA SALIDO!!! al menos por éstas tierras... ;)

Anónimo dijo...

Quake 4 o fear no haran que no pruebe este juego, pero la verdad no creo que sean juegos mediocres.

Man U Fear dijo...

Q4 está pero que muy bien, con sus fallos, claro. FEAR es EL SOPOR. Lo he dejado para cuando tenga más ganas de marcha. ;)

Crimsom Shadow dijo...

Más que nada para que no te hagas ilusiones, el juego a mi me encanta, pero no hay decisión ni dinamismo, sepalo usté. Aun así, le recomiendo que lo pruebe durante un par de horas minimo.

Y el F.E.A.R. requiere jugarse en alta dificultad, con luz apagada y sonido a tope para disfrutarse plenamente.

Un saludo