lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2005


¿Cómo funcionan las pistolitas de los videojuegos?

1) The computer blanks the screen and then paints just the target object white. If the photodiode senses darkness after one vertical retrace signal and then light after the next, the computer assumes that the gun is pointed at the target and scores a hit.

2) The computer blanks the screen and then paints the entire screen white. It takes time for the electron beam to trace the entire screen while painting it white. By comparing the signal coming from the photodiode with the horizontal and vertical retrace signals, the computer can detect where the electron beam is on the screen when the photodiode first senses its light. The computer counts the number of microseconds that pass between the time the horizontal and vertical retrace signals start and the time the photodiode first senses light. The number of microseconds tells the computer exactly where on the screen the gun is pointing. If the calculated position and the position of the target match, the computer scores a hit.
Les juro que esto es realmente asombroso; he leído explicaciones relativas a éste truquitruco informático unas diecisitemil veces y sigo sin comprender cómo diablos funcionan. Lo más emocionante es que cada explicación que leo es distinta a la anterior. Imbécil que es uno.

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